Call for Doctoral Program Papers

See also the CfP on EasyChair for more information:

The Doctoral Program (DP) of the CP conference is seeking submissions from research students and past participants conducting research related to constraint programming. The program aims to provide a relaxed environment for students to discuss ongoing work and network with experienced researchers. It is a full-day event that includes short presentations of student papers, discussions with senior researchers, and networking activities.

Submissions must be eight or fewer pages and may include up to one additional page of references. Students who have had a paper accepted for the main conference can submit a two-page extended abstract, while others must submit an ongoing or completed research paper or a summary of their research/PhD topic. The author list must clearly specify the main student author along with advisors and co-authors.

Accepted papers will be made available online but not published in formal printed proceedings. This will allow the submitted work to be reused and/or extended for submission to further conferences and journals. The program includes review training, mentoring, a 15-minute presentation, and the preparation of a poster. Invited talks will be given by mid-career or senior researchers, and a social dinner will be organized for physical conference attendees.

Students willing to participate in the event in person may apply for financial support from the DP. That financial support is meant to help cover the conference registration, shared accommodation, and dinner costs of those whom the support is granted to.

The submission deadline for papers is July the 10th, 2023 July the 14th, 2023. The notification of acceptance will be given by August 1st, 2023. Papers must be primarily the work ofthe student and can be either work in progress, completed work, or recently published work.

Paper Submission

In order to be elligible for participation, students must submit a short paper.That paper can either be a recently published work, the description of a completed or ongoing research or a summary of the student's doctoral research.

The submission instruction vary a bit depending on the type of submission:

  • It is expected that student submitting a paper presenting some work that has either been accepted at the main conference or otherwise published would submit a two-pages extended abstract summarizing the key elements of their original publication.
  • Otherwise, the submission of students submitting a novel, original paper describing a completed or ongoing research (or summarizing the advances of their research) is expected to be up to eight pages long at most with the  optional addition of one page for the bibliographic references. Shorter papers are obviously welcome.

The submission format is the same as that of the main conference. That is, the authors should adhere to the LIPIcs guidelines.The authors list must clearly establish the student as first author along with advisors and other co-authors. All submissions will be made in PDF through EasyChair.

Financial Support

As stated earlier, students participating in-person to the event are eligible to a financial support to cover the registration fees, housing and part of the travel expenses. That funding, however, is not automatic and will be granted individually, depending on the needs of the young researcher.

To apply, one must contact the DP chair by email and outline the motivation for the funding request. The request must be accompanied by a letter from the student's advisor confirming the need for assistance. The email should also indicate whether the student has benefitted from such financial support in thepast.

Schedule of the DP

The exact schedule of the DP is yet to be confirmed, but the structure of its content is outline as follows.

Review training

As part of the Doctoral Program, each participant will be assigned to review a submitted paper. This aims to enhance their reviewing skills through analyzing the work of their peers and gaining feedback from experienced researchers. The ultimate goal is to promote a positive review culture, which is frequently disregarded in the field of computer science.


During the Doctoral Program, each participant will be paired with a mentor from the community, who is either a professor or a post-doctoral researcher attending the conference. The mentor will attend the student's presentation and view their poster, providing constructive feedback. This is intended to promote networking opportunities for the Ph.D. students.

Presentations and Poster Session

Each student is expected to deliver a 15-minute presentation of their work, followed by a 5-minute question and answer session. In the case where a student's abstract has been accepted for the conference, they will deliver a brief 3-minute lightning talk aimed at piquing the audience's interest in theirfull presentation. Additionally, all students are required to create a posterin A0 format which will be presented during the coffee breaks on the first day.The primary objective of the poster session is to encourage research and promote the students' work to potential future collaborators.

Invited Talks

Two mid-career or senior researchers will reflect on their time in academia and industry. These talks are meant to encourage students and give them an opportunity to ask those senior researchers for guidance about their own career path.

Social Dinner

If the conference is held in person, a free dinner will be organized on the evening of the doctoral program. The dinner will be open to all students of the doctoral program, the doctoral program invited speakers and chairs.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: July 3rd, 2023 July 7th, 2023
  • Deadline for Paper Submission: July 10th, 2023 July 14th, 2023
  • Deadline for Financial Support Request: July 20th, 2023
  • Deadline for the assigned student review (See Review Training above): July 20th, 2023
  • Notification: August 1st, 2023
  • Camera Ready: August 10th, 2023

Diversity and inclusion

The participants to the Doctoral Programme are encouraged to participate in the DEI surveys organized by the conference:

Further Information

See also the CfP on EasyChair for more information: