Symmetries for cube-and-conquer in finite model finding
João Araújo, Choiwah Chow and Mikolas Janota
Improving Local Search for Pseudo Boolean Optimization by Deep Optimization
Wenbo Zhou, Yujiao Zhao, Yiyuan Wang, Shaowei Cai, Shimao Wang, Xinyu Wang and Minghao Yin
Training a Deep Q-Learning Agent Inside a Generic Constraint Programming Solver
Tom Marty, Tristan François, Pierre Tessier, Louis Gautier, Louis-Martin Rousseau and Quentin Cappart
Guided Bottom-Up Interactive Constraint Acquisition
Dimosthenis C. Tsouros, Senne Berden and Tias Guns
Partially Preemptive Multi Skill/Mode Resource-constrained Project Scheduling with Generalized Precedence Relations and Calendars
Guillaume Poveda, Nahum Alvarez and Christian Artigues
Proof Logging for Smart Extensional Constraints
Matthew McIlree and Ciaran McCreesh
Binary Constraint Trees and Structured Decomposability
Petr Kucera
Probabilistic Inference by Projected Weighted Model Counting on Horn Clauses
Alexandre Dubray, Pierre Schaus and Siegfried Nijssen
Constraint Programming with External Worst-Case Traversal Time Analysis
Pierre Talbot, Tingting Hu and Nicolas Navet
A CP Approach for the Liner Shipping Network Design Problem
Yousra El Ghazi, Djamal Habet and Cyril Terrioux
Horizontally Elastic Edge Finder Rule for Cumulative Constraint Based on Slack and Density
Roger Kameugne, Sévérine Fetgo Betmbe, Thierry Noulamo and Clémentin Tayou Djamegni
Distribution Optimization in Constraint Programming
Guillaume Perez, Gael Glorian, Wijnand Suijlen and Arnaud Lallouet
The p-dispersion problem with distance constraints
Nikolaos Ploskas, Kostas Stergiou and Dimosthenis C. Tsouros
Using Canonical Codes to Efficiently Solve the Benzenoid Generation Problem with Constraint Programming
Xiao Peng and Christine Solnon
Assembly Line Preliminary Design Optimization for an Aircraft Airframe
Stephanie Roussel, Thomas Polacsek and Anouck Chan
Towards More Efficient Local Search for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization
Yi Chu, Shaowei Cai, Chuan Luo, Zhendong Lei and Cong Peng
Boosting Decision Diagram-Based Branch-and-Bound by Pre-Solving with Aggregate Dynamic Programming
Vianney Coppé, Xavier Gillard and Pierre Schaus
Fast Matrix Multiplication Without Tears: A Constraint Programming Approach
Arnaud Deza, Chang Liu, Pashootan Vaezipoor and Elias Khalil
Optimization of Short-Term Underground Mine Planning using Constraint Programming
Younes Aalian, Gilles Pesant and Michel Gamache
From Formal Boosted Tree Explanations to Interpretable Rule Sets
Jinqiang Yu, Alexey Ignatiev and Peter J. Stuckey
FastMapSVM for Predicting CSP Satisfiability
Kexin Zheng, Ang Li, Han Zhang and T. K. Satish Kumar
Exploring Hydrogen Supply/Demand Networks: Modeller and Domain Expert views
Matthias Klapperstueck, Frits De Nijs, Ilankaikone Senthooran, Jack Lee-Kopij, Maria Garcia De La Banda and Michael Wybrow
Efficient enumeration of fixed points in complex Boolean networks using answer set programming
Van-Giang Trinh, Belaid Benhamou and Sylvain Soliman
Optimization models for pickup and delivery problems with reconfigurable capacities
Arnoosh Golestanian, Giovanni Lo Bianco, Chengyu Tao and J. Christopher Beck
An Efficient Constraint Programming Approach for Scheduling Interruptible Tasks Requiring Disjoint Disjunctive Resources
Carla Juvin, Emmanuel Hebrard, Laurent Houssin and Pierre Lopez
Exploiting Configurations of MaxSAT solvers
Josep Alès, Carlos Ansótegui, Josep Maria Salvia Hornos and Eduard Torres Montiel
Preprocessing in SAT-Based Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization
Christoph Jabs, Jeremias Berg, Hannes Ihalainen and Matti Järvisalo